Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Evening Three - 5-5-09

I'm an insomniac. This is not news to anyone, I should hope. Thus, I need something to do with my time while staying up, and the last few nights, I've taken to listening to albums I had never gotten around to, or had just downloaded, or have just been released, etc. So, I have decided to allot myself three albums a night, discuss them briefly, and give each a rating out of 5.

1) The Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca: All I can really say is holy shit. I've had a fondness for Dirty Projectors since The Getty Address first came out, but this is something truly special, even for them. Don't be surprised to hear me talking about this album, in excess, and see it make my year end's top 10, if not top 5.
Rating: 4.5

2) Jarvis Cocker - Further Complications: It's really not necessary to discuss anything Jarvis does; it's always excellent, and this new album is absolutely nothing different. Further Complications, plain and simple, rocks, and you'd do well to give it a thorough listen!
Rating: 3

3) Sonic Youth - The Eternal: I love Sonic Youth, there's no point in hiding that, but the new album, due out in June, is a return to punk form, a la Sonic Nurse, but also a continuation of what the band was likely going for when they released Rather Ripped. It's more than a raucous noise album, it's a fully coherent, sonically perfect, and, strangely, extremely fun trip. Highlights include "Anti-Orgasm" and its dueling chorus, "Leaky Lifeboat (For Gregory Corso)" for its pop melodies, and "Thunderclap (For Bobby Pyn)" simply for being superbly catchy, and for possibly being the best song on the entire album.
Rating: 4

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